Fire Hydrant Graham Cracker Dog Treats

Fire Hydrant Graham Cracker Dog Treats

Do you have a dog that needs something tasty to eat? If so, Graham Cracker Dog Treats are a perfect choice. These delicious treats are made with graham crackers and peanut butter.

The Best Fire Hydrant Graham Cracker Dog Treats

Graham cracker dog treats are a tasty, healthy snack that your pup will love. The recipe is simple and only requires a few simple ingredients.

Why do dogs and fire hydrants seem to go together?

Dogs like marking their territory, and what better place to mark your territory than a prominent object that sticks up out of the street and draws attention? They urinate on those objects to let other dogs know where they’ve been.

That is why your dog will often sniff it first, and then, leave their response.

We joke and call it “checking their pee-mail”.

Now, I am not implying that these Fire Hydrant Graham Cracker Dog Treats should be whizzed on – but that is why we picked such a fun shaped cookie cutter to make the treats with.

You can really use ANY cookie cutter you want, but my fire hydrant one can be found HERE on Amazon. It is part of a set of dog themed cutters that will make for super cute treats of any kind! I LOVE that they are made in the USA!

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Graham crackers are a sweet flavored cracker made with graham flour that originated in the United States in the mid-19th Century, with commercial development from about 1880. It is eaten as a snack food, usually honey- or cinnamon-flavored, and is used as an ingredient in some foods.

For dogs, we are talking about just the plain ones – no additional flavoring added.

The answer is YES, they can! But it’s best if only done in moderation. As with any sweet treats, excess amounts that your pup eats will likely cause your dog to gain weight, including a host of other unintended negative health consequences.

That is why we blend the graham cracker crumbs of this recipe with other items like peanut butter to make these treats a little healthier. As long as you use these as rewards, you and your pup will be fine.

Can dogs eat peanut butter?

Can dogs eat peanut butter?

What Type of Peanut Butter is Best for Dogs? Generally speaking, any peanut butter that doesn’t contain xylitol (or chocolate) should be fine for a dog. It can be a good source of protein and healthy fat for your dog — in moderation, of course. However, some peanut butter is healthier than others.

We like to opt for natural peanut butter – or even organic. Bark Bistro makes a great “Buddy Budder” that is very safe for Fido. No hydrogenated oil, palm oil, high fructose corn syrup, stabilizers, xylitol, added sugar or salt can be found in it – so that is a win for us!

468x60 Nutrition Plan

Can dogs eat cinnamon?

If you feed your dog appropriate, healthy amounts of cinnamon, it can often gift them with anti-inflammatory properties, slow bacterial growth, and help older or obese dogs fight the risk of contracting diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels and raising their insulin resistance.

Can dogs have milk?

Yes. Cow’s milk is generally not a problem for dogs – rarely they have an issue with dairy, very rarely. It doesn’t matter if you are talking fat free – 1% – 2% – or even whole milk, they are all fine for Fido.

It does have lactose – a sugar – in it so keep it in moderation. A few tablespoons can make for a nice treat or be added easily to any recipe. We use a whole cup here – but this recipe makes a LOT of treats!

Graham Cracker Dog Treats

How do you store these homemade graham cracker treats?

Any container from your local Dollar Tree pet section would work – and use our fun printable dog treat labels to make sure that you don’t accidentally have the kids eat these – although they could, and would probably find them very tasty!

Get your FREE printable dog treat labels!

That being said, I wanted to make sure you saw our custom printable labels for your doggie treat jars – it is a fun FREEBIE we have for you.

free printable dog treat labels

Fire Hydrant Graham Cracker Treats For Dogs

These are simple, with just 6 ingredients and take roughly 20 minutes from start to finish before you have a batch ready to come out of the oven.

Graham Cracker Dog Treats Ingredients:

  • 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup milk

How to Make Graham Cracker Treats:

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Grease cookie sheet. 

how to make graham cracker dog treats

In a mixing bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir in vegetable oil and milk until a ball forms. 

Fire Hydrant Graham Cracker Treats For Dogs

Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead lightly until soft.

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Roll out dough to ½ inch thickness and cut to the desired shape. 

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Place on prepared baking sheet.

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Bake 10 minutes then turn over and bake for additional 5 minutes.

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Cool completely and store in fridge or freezer. 

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Don’t those look adorable?

Other dog treat recipes you may find interesting:

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